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Stand out with videos that engage.

Schedule A Discovery Call

Boost awareness, double engagement, and own your story.

TLDR; One of the easiest and most strategic ways to encourage and maintain a strong sales pitch to your audience is video marketing. We prioritize a narrative that brings a human element to the business your team has built.

Tell the story of your brand. Answer the questions that your team gets asked daily. Bring an unforgettable narrative to your market.

91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool in 2023. You read that right. Nine of the ten competitors you can think of are using video marketing. We help your brand stand out.

93% of brands that deployed or continued a video marketing campaign in 2022 found a positive ROI. We think it’s your turn to grow your market share!

We help brands connect with their audience.

Production Where You Need It

Our hourly rate is the same regardless of how much support we provide, so we will meet you where you need us.

Video Strategy
Script Writing
Competitive Analysis
Video Production
Post Production
Consultative Hours
Music & Sound
Creative Direction

why metriq?


Your time and money should never be wasted on a momentary solution when a broader understanding and ability would benefit you the most. We like to support forward initiatives and not just momentary ones.


Other businesses center their model around cutting costs but outsourcing the "easy" or even entire project and collecting. We produce what we commit to, with pride and detail.


We build systems that allow us to do good work quickly, but support a creative solution each time we partner with our clients. Rather than make your need fit our skill, we meet with your right in the thick of it.

“This is so cool! I love the way you highlighted all the features...“
Leisure & Travel Industry

The goals, market, users and parameters.

We start each project with defining the elements and factors of a project. This helps support scope, but also allows for visibility into final deliverables and iteration work. In our experience, this really is a necessity for an effective execution

first modeling.

Most of UXD principles and frameworks revolve around one key word: empathy. We like to take it a step further, and build out persona is an understanding of the market as a whole based on findings. This isn’t necessarily a step that every agency will conduct, and is usually leveraged as a way to convince someone to do business with you, but we want to build an understanding of mental modeling, so we can really sit in the shoes of your audience to build a product and experience that engages in forms quickly

the plan.

Planning is a key part of any strategic initiative. It can separate success from failure and quality from waste. Part of our planning process is to understand how we can leverage our findings to this point to build the product that we know the market is looking for. It may seem trivial, as planning is a part of any projects, inevitably, but we take this stuff, incredibly serious, as we want to mitigate risk, and be able to speak to why and how we intend to solve the problem.

and implement.

It’s incredibly easy for agencies to complete a project, send an invoice, and move onto the next big deal. We like to slow our way out of a project by also prioritizing new analytics, based on our projects execution, and getting an understanding of user sentiment, so we can make sure that we are positioned well and responsive to any Necessary action. Testing is what makes a great campaign from an OK campaign.

and build understanding..

One of the main ways we differ, so vastly from our competitors is that we like to offer up value long after our project is closed. We do this by offering a synopsis or summary of our findings through the process, traditionally, rooted in data, both qualitative and quantitative, we hope to be able to bring value to your brands growth, so that way when you need a partner in your next endeavor, or at least in the running. Clients regularly champion for our agency, based solely on our ability to highlight the findings so that they can move forward with her brand, and not feel that they have to be a life standing partner of our agency to see success.

Frequently Asked Questions

We would hate to waste your time! Here are some key high-level questions we get often.

Can you provide examples of previous video projects you've worked on?
Our hourly rate is always set: 125$ per billed hour. There are ways to bring your average hourly billed rate down. Feel free to contact us and discuss your specfic project(s).
What is the typical timeline for completing a video production project?
It can completely depend on the slot list, technicality, gear complexity, and your own business goals. As a rule of thumb, we usually target 8 hours per one minute of delivered video. Again this can vary drastically depending on the goals of a project, but this helps build out a rough timeline.
Do you offer scriptwriting and storyboarding services?
Definitely. We offer a myriad of complexity levels to our productions to make sure you get the most value you can. Sometimes we are brought in strictly on a consultancy basis for people that want to shoot on their phones, while other times we manage the entire production.
What equipment do you use for video production?
We proudly partner with some of the industry-leading brands for our builds as well as have strong relationships with local rental shops if you are pursuing a specific look to your video. metriq's in-house brands include:Sony FX, Sony Alpha, Sigma, DJI, SmallHD, Aputure, Godox, Matthews, SmallRig, KondorBlue, Apple
What will a [time length] cost me?
Similar to timelines, it depends, but a general rule of thumb is $600/30-second video, scalable.


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Why Simple Brands Do Best

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Schedule your no-pressure discovery call today and deliver your brand in a whole new way!

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