10 Considerations for a Successful Website Redesign

Redesigning a site? Blend design, strategy, SEO, and ROI.

September 26, 2023

In the bustling digital age, your website is more than just a digital footprint; it's a pivotal element in building relationships with customers. As the world of technology and design principles continues to grow, ensuring your online presence stays relevant is imperative. When pondering a website redesign, the integration of web design and web strategy is the bedrock of success. Let's delve deeper into what you need to consider:

1. Purpose and Goals

Before getting entangled in design details, crystalize the purpose of your redesign. Is it to enhance user experience, boost conversions, or bring forth a business rebrand? Every aspect of your web strategy should be in harmony with these goals, providing a clear direction for web design endeavors.

2. User Experience (UX)

The heart of modern web design is the user. A captivating, user-centric design can vastly elevate site interactions. Consider adopting a responsive design, implementing streamlined navigation, and ensuring pages load at lightning speed. Using surveys or feedback tools can also help gauge real users' experiences, further refining the UX.

3. Mobile Optimization

In today's era, where mobile devices are ubiquitous, having a mobile-friendly site is non-negotiable. Mobile optimization transcends merely shrinking your website. It's about reshaping content to ensure it not only looks, but also functions impeccably across a spectrum of devices.

4. SEO and Content Strategy

Your revamped website should place a strong emphasis on SEO. An exquisite design loses its charm if buried deep in search results. Carefully craft your site structure, meta descriptions, and content to cater to your key target keywords. When you intertwine your content strategy with your web design, it amplifies search visibility.

5. Branding Consistency

Every corner of your website should echo your brand's voice, ethos, and values. Ensure elements like color schemes, typography, and visuals are consistent and synchronized across all pages. This cohesiveness not only reinforces brand recognition but also cements trust among visitors.

6. Technical Performance

A snail-paced website can be the Achilles heel of digital success. Strive for a site that's optimized for speed: compress images, leverage browser caching, and keep HTTP requests to a minimum. Remember, a stellar web strategy seamlessly integrates with a robust web design, especially on the technical front.

7. Analytics and Tracking

Once your redesigned masterpiece is live, it's essential to keep a finger on its pulse. Incorporate robust analytics tools to mine data related to user behavior, traffic origins, and conversion pathways. Armed with this data, you'll be in a prime position to make informed strategy decisions.

8. Scalability

Envision the future while laying the foundation today. When selecting a content management system (CMS) and hosting platform, anticipate the growth trajectories of your business. By designing a flexible and expandable site now, you forestall the need for constant redesigns later.

9. Feedback Loop

After unveiling your redesigned site, actively seek feedback. Engage with stakeholders, users, and even competitors. Fresh perspectives can illuminate overlooked areas, ensuring your website remains on the cutting edge.

10. Budget and ROI

Establish a clear budget for the redesign and appraise potential returns on investment. While investing in web design and strategy might seem daunting, the long-term benefits often justify the initial outlay. Set pragmatic expectations and key performance indicators to measure success.


In essence, a website redesign transcends a visual facelift. It's a golden opportunity to merge state-of-the-art web design principles with a results-driven web strategy. By meticulously considering the expanded elements above, you'll architect a cohesive, powerful, and future-ready digital platform that truly resonates with your audience.

Shawn Nichols - Founder, metriq

Shawn Nichols

Shawn is the founding owner of metriq, a web strategy and design agency in Southern California, CA serving brands from local family-owned businesses all the way to billion-dollar corporations. His passions lie in design, psychology, and people.


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